Business Law Blogs

Can an Employer Sue an Employee?

Yes, an employer can sue an employee for various reasons. Common grounds for such lawsuits include negligence, misuse of company resources, or breach of contract. Employers may pursue legal action if an employee’s actions result in significant harm or loss to the business. Call our experienced business lawyers at The Hunnicutt Law Group today: (214) 361-6740 What are an employer’s...

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Business Law Blogs

Statute of Limitations for Breach of Contract in Texas Overview

Dealing with a breach of contract dispute? Get your questions answered by an attorney ASAP. Call 214-361-6740. When you are counting on someone to do something they are legally obligated to do and they fail to execute, you may have a claim for breach of contract. Texas law sets a four-year statute of limitations for breach of contract claims...

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Business Law Blogs

Negligent Misrepresentation in Texas

Most people expect to deal fairly with one another and get what they bargained for. Unfortunately, there are individuals who play fast and loose with the truth, either to move transactions along or to get more than they deserve. At The Hunnicutt Law Group, our Dallas, Texas business litigation lawyers strive to uphold good faith and fair dealing in...

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Business Law Blogs

Texas Whistleblower Act & Whistleblower Protection Overview

Are you a whistleblower in the state of Texas? Get your questions answered by an attorney ASAP. Call an experienced Dallas whistleblower lawyer at 214-361-6740 or contact us online with your questions today. If you are a public employee in Texas and you discover that your employer has violated state, local, or federal law, you may be wondering what...

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Business Law Blogs

The Four Breach of Fiduciary Duty Elements Explained

To recover against a defendant for a claim of breach of fiduciary duty, you must prove all the following by a preponderance of the evidence: What follows is a brief discussion of how Texas courts analyze each element of a fiduciary duty breach. What constitutes a breach of fiduciary duty? A fiduciary breaches their duty by prioritizing self-interest over...

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Business Law Blogs

What Is a Fraudulent Transfer in Texas?

Lending money is always a risk, but our economy is built on the ability of those without funds to borrow money and pay it back over time. Despite creditors’ precautions, however, sometimes those they loan money to cannot pay. Other times, the debtor can pay but attempts to put assets out of creditors’ reach by fraudulently transferring the assets. If...

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Business Law Blogs

Unjust Enrichment in Texas—Overview

A contract usually lies at the center of any transactional dispute. And in such circumstances, the courts look to the contract to arrive at a remedy and make the damaged party whole again.  However, in certain circumstances, a party receives a benefit at the expense of another and there is no contractual relationship between them. These are nuanced and...

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Business Law Blogs

Elements of Fraud in Texas & When to File a Claim

Feeling like you have been taken advantage of is a terrible experience. In both personal and business dealings, no one wants to believe they have been defrauded. However, knowing the elements of fraud in Texas can help you know when you have a claim. If you think you have been a victim of fraud, Texas law may allow you...

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Business Law Blogs

How to Remove a Member From an LLC in Texas

People enter into business together to realize a common vision based on a common interest. The belief in success and hope in the future often overrides all other concerns and seems to be the salve for all potential disagreements. However, those days frequently come to an end and discord arises between business partners.  Conflict arises most frequently from disagreements...

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Business Law Blogs

Is a Verbal Agreement Legally Binding in Texas?

A verbal agreement can be legally binding in Texas if it is valid and does not require written documentation. Witness statements, correspondence, invoices, and other supporting records can help prove elements of a breach of contract claim. Texas’s verbal agreement law comes from Texas common law, the Uniform Commercial Code, and other Texas state statutes. Suppose your neighbor offers...

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